Its been a Spring of Cactus Blooms Galore

Hi Guys 😀 I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful growing season so far this year and that you are already seeing your cacti and succulents coming into bud and bloom.

Spring 2024 has been blooming amazing for me and Hans and we have had lots of our Cacti and Succulents coming into bloom and many first time bloomers for us.

We replaced our old green covered Polytunnel with a new clear covered one last year, and the difference this has made for the cactus flowers has been truly remarkable, the new clear polytunnel is so much brighter than our old green covered one was, all the extra light inside our new polytunnel has really encouraged a lot more of our cacti to come into bud and bloom already.

Here are some photos of all the STUNNING cacti that we have had blooming for us during the month of May 2024, I hope you enjoy the photos of all of the beautiful cactus flowers, we still have lots more of our cacti coming into bud now its June and over these next few weeks there is going to be LOTS and LOTS of STUNNING Cactus blooms I will be sharing with you monthly updates on all of our cactus flowers both on my Website here and also on my You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon.

My Mammillaria hahiana May 2024

My Rebutia in orange flower May 2024

My Mammillaria bocasana May 2024

Mammillaria variety May 2024, this beauty was gifted to us by our wonderful friend Danny last year.

My Parodia chysacanthion with a cluster of 5 golden blooms, May 2024

My Rebutia heliosa May 2024

My Stenocactus multicostatus May 2024

My Rebutia minuscula May 2024

Mediolobivia variety May 2024

My Aporocactus flagelliformis ‘Rats Tail Cactus’ May 2024

My Rebutia ‘Apricot Ice’ this cutie was gifted to us by our wonderful friend Danny last year.

My Rebutia krainziana May 2024

My Chamaecereus silvestrii May 2024

My Aylosteria polypetula May 2024

My Mammillaria variety May 2024

My Rebutia variety in STUNNING red/orange twin bloom, this beauty was gifted to us by our wonderful friend Danny last year.

My Mammillaria variety May 2024

My Epiphyllum no ID, this stunner is a very first time bloomer for us, we got this plant as a cutting around 4 years ago from our friend Patricia and we are so happy to see it bloom for the first time, May 2024

My Echinopsis cardensiana May 2024

My Mammillaria longimamma, this stunner was gifted to us by our wonderful friend Danny last year, May 2024

My old Lophophora williamsii I have grown for 30 years, I have had many of my Lophophoras blooming this May but thought I would share this one with you all as its one of my oldies. May 2024

My Echinocereus gentryi var cucumis, and Echinocereus gentryi var scherii, Hans and I have two of these plants and they have both been blooming stunning, May 2024

My Sulcorebutia/ Lobivia variety with a stunning pink/red bloom, this beauty was gifted to us by our wonderful friend Danny last year, May 2024.

My Astrophytum ornatum I have grown for around 28 years May 2024

My Thelocactus hexandrophorus in twin bloom, June 2024

My Echinocereus gentryi and Chamaelobivia ‘Wendy’ June 2024

My Aporocactus mallisonii June 2024

My Neoporteria paucicostata May 2024

Chamaecereus silvestrii in triple bloom June 2024

I hope you enjoyed all the beautiful blooms we have had on our Cacti so far this year, and for lots of tips and tricks on how to grow Cacti and Succulents including how to get them to flower then please do check out my You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon and do please Subscribe.

Spring has arrived and the growing season is here

Hi Guys,

Spring has arrived at last YAY! and the growing season is finally here and I have been keeping busy with all the exciting jobs to do with all of my cacti and succulents at this time of year.

Spring has arrived & the growing season is here
So happy Spring has finally arrived and that means its time for the Cacti & Succulents to start waking up.

Spring is finally here and I hope that your cacti and succulents have come through the winter safe and sound, its sometimes inevitable that however much we try to look after our plants we can still lose plants over the winter months, I am so relieved that I have only had a couple of plant losses this winter, but last winter I lost quite a few cacti as did many growers due to the extended and very cold winter of 2022/23, thankfully in Ireland and UK we have had a fairly mild winter this year compared to last year.

My Cacti made it through the Winter in my new polytunnel safe and sound.

Spring really is an exciting time of year for us cacti and succulent growers, my cacti and succulents have been patiently waiting for the longer and warmer days to arrive.

New growth appearing on my Opuntia subulata monstrose, the pink fleshy thin leaves appear first before turning to green and then falling off as the cactus ages.

Although its still a bit early for most of my plants to come into bud just yet, I have still been checking on the plants for any signs of buds, and I am very happy to see buds are starting to grow already on a couple of my Gymnocalycium cacti and my Chamacereus ‘Peanut Cacti’ and my Epiphyllum cacti are all growing buds too, I know that once I give them all their very first watering of the year the plants will start to develop buds and then over the following weeks they burst into flower.

Buds are starting to appear on my Gymnocalycium Cacti ( March 2024 )

My Chamacereus Cacti ‘Peanut Cacti. are starting to grow buds, once I give these their first watering the ‘peanut stems’ will plump up and burst into flower.

My Epiphyllum Cacti are coming into bud, these leafy epiphytic cacti produce the most incredible of large showy flowers in Spring and Summer.

I still haven’t watered the majority of my plants yet though, and this is because I live in Belfast N.Ireland, and in March and April its still quite chilly during the daytime and the nights can still be frosty, its not until mid April that the weather really starts to warm up for Spring here, and this is why I hold back on watering my collection until around mid April depending on the weather and the temperature, its not unusual for it to snow in April in UK and Ireland haha, and last Spring (2023 ) it was unseasonably very cold until late May and I had to hold back on watering my collection in the polytunnel until much later than normal, fingers crossed though April will be normal temperatures, and that means with the first watering I give them in mid April I will be able to give them all just a light watering ( pre watering ) first to moisten the soil and wake up their root systems, I give just enough water so the soil dries within a day or two, I then leave it a week or two and thats when I give them their first proper watering.

But If you have your cacti and succulents indoors in a heated room or sunny warm window its safe to go ahead and give them a watering now though, I have to hold back until mid April as my plants are in a polytunnel that is heated at 5c/41F just enough to keep them frost free and protected from very low temperatures, If I was to water too early and we get a cold and wet couple of weeks then it means the plants could sit in moist soil that does not dry out as fast in cold damp weather, I want to start to wake them up with watering when I know the day temperatures are at least in the 15c /60F range.

I have however had to give one of my Mammillarias that was VERY thirsty a light pre watering as I know this particular Mammillaria a Mammillaria camptotricha would be safe to water now, and I thought this would be a perfect example to show just how much water I give the plants for the very first time after the Winter, and if you want to see how much water to give your plants after winter then check out this video I made for my You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon on ‘How much water should you give your Cactus after Winter ? and you can watch this video below:

I have been keeping busy repotting plants in preparation for the growing season, and I make sure I check almost daily for any signs of insect pests or diseases on the plants, I also will be busy writing up plant labels and re arranging some plants in the polytunnel to make space so that when its warm enough I will be able to move all the non cold hardy cacti and Euphorbias that I currently have overwintering in my grow room back into the Polytunnel and yard for the Spring and Summer months.

Some of my Echeverias and other Succulents are growing flower spikes.

I have a lot of work to do on a lot of my Succulents this Spring too, pruning, and tidying them up from dead leaves, I am happy to say I have noticed flower spikes starting to grow on some of my Echeverias too, I will be filming an upcoming video very soon on all the Spring jobs I will be doing with all of my Cacti and Succulents on my You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon, so do stay tuned.

If you want to know more about how to grow Cacti and Succulents then do watch my You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon and do please Subscribe I would love you to follow me on my Prickly adventures.

Happy Growing Season everyone and here is to a blooming AMAZING Spring and Summer 2024.

Aporocactus flagelliformis

Its been a Blooming Lovely Cactus Season so far

Hi Cactus and Succulent growers,

I hope that you are all having a wonderful growing season so far and enjoying this wonderful time of year, I have been keeping super busy with all the wonderful plant jobs to do at this time of year, re potting, keeping on top of watering and feeding and checking regularly for signs of pests,

We had a very slow start to Spring in Ireland and U.K this year with way below average temperatures for March and April and even May, but thankfully from June the warmer temperatures and the sunshine arrived, and with the much needed sun and warmth it has really given my cacti and succulents a blooming good boost.

Pilocereus pachycladus
My Pilocereus pachycladus ‘Blue Torch Cactus’ blooming amazing this year.

I have seen more buds and blooms this Spring and Summer alreadyon many of my cacti and also some buds on my cacti that hadn’t flowered for me for the past few years, I have quite a few of my Trichocereus cacti that are coming into bud again for the first time in 5 years and also my very old Opuntia aciculata cactus has come into bud for the first time again in TWENTY years YAY.

Opuntia aciculata, Chenille prickly pear Cactus
My Opuntia aciculata, Chenille prickly pear Cactus coming into bud again for the first time after TWENTY years.

Last Summer we had a very hot and dry Summer in Ireland and U.K and Europe with heatwaves, and then that was followed by an extra cold and long Winter, I think the combination of the heatwaves last Summer and the extra cold winter may have given the kick start for the Trichocereus to come into bud again, but whatever the reason I am a happy Cactus Lady to see buds and many blooms already this growing season.

Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, Schlumbergera gaertneri, Hatiora gaertneri
My Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri ‘Easter Cactus’ blooming gorgeous, this cactus was a cutting I got from a friend a few years ago, my friend had taken this cutting from her late Grandmothers very old Easter Cactus.

If you want to know how to get your Cacti and Succulents to Flower then do watch the video I have made for my Cactus & Succulent You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon on How To Get your Cacti & Succulents to Flower, you can watch this video below:

If you want to know what are the Top 10 best Flowering Cactus Plants to grow then do watch the video I have made for my Cactus & Succulent You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon on The Top 10 BEST Flowering Cactus Plants to grow, you can watch this video below:

Not all cacti only flower in Spring and Summer, they are many varieties of Cactus that also flower in Winter too, and if you want to have Cactus flowers all year round, then do watch the video I have made for my Cactus & Succulent You Tube Channel called Desert Plants of Avalon on How To Get your Cacti To Flower ALL Year Round, you can watch this video below:

Here are some photos of some of my blooming lovely cacti that have flowered this Season already, I hope you enjoy their beauty, and for lots of blooming lovely videos of my Cacti and Succulents as well as lots of care tips on growing these awesome plants then do please Subscribe to my You Tube Channel Desert Plants of Avalon.

Aporocactus flagelliformis
My Aporocactus flagelliformis ‘Rats Tail Cactus’ in shocking pink beautiful bloom this Spring 2023.
Mammillaria hahniana, Old Lady Cactus
Mammillaria hahniana, Old Lady Cactus in beautiful flower, Spring 2023.
Epiphyllum Madeline
My Epiphyllum Madeline blooming for the very first time for me with a stunning lemon yellow flower.
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii
My Gymnocalycium mihanovichii with a stunning pink bloom.
Aporocactus malisonii
My Aporocactus mallisonii blooming amazing with a bright red flower.
Gymnocalycium chubutense
My Gymnocalycium chubutense in twin beautiful stunning bloom.
Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, Schlumbergera gaertneri, Hatiora gaertneri
My Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, ‘Easter Cactus’ in multiple shocking pink stunning flower.
Epiphyllum Mrs G. Bheam
My Epiphyllum Mrs G. Bheam always put on an incredible flower display every Spring.

Wishing you ALL a fantastic Summer 2023.